The Metabolic Clinic
Inside The Mastology Center, we have a department we refer to as The Cancer Immuno-Metabolic Clinic which utilizes new concepts in cancer treatment including lifestyle changes and immune therapy. There are no harsh drugs. Success in this clinic requires a commitment to a strict diet and exercise program. For those people with cancer, Dr. Elliott has a patented cancer vaccine. There are three types of people who should participate in this clinic:
1) People who are at high risk for developing a cancer (not just breast cancer).
2) People who have had cancer and want to prevent cancer from coming back.
3) People who have cancer and either have exhausted all current available treatment or who have opted out of traditional cancer treatments.
While the Cancer Immuno-Metabolic Clinic is part of The Mastology Center, it is open to people with any cancer or anyone who is at high risk of developing cancer. People at high risk for developing cancer include a family history of cancer, pre-cancer cells on a biopsy, or someone with a genetic mutation that increases the risk of developing cancer.
Previous studies have suggested that cancer is a metabolic disease. A ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate diet. A cancer cell’s main fuel is glucose, so by decreasing carbohydrates and sugars, the cancer cell has no fuel source. The ketogenic diet causes weight loss improves joint pain cognition, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. This diet causes the body to use another fuel source called ketone bodies which are made in the liver. In addition to the changes in eating habits, exercise is strongly recommended. The amount and type of exercise is based on a person’s physical fitness level. Each person will have an individualized meal plan and exercise program depending on their clinical diagnosis and currently medical conditions. We will monitor each person closely with glucose and ketone levels.
Dr. Elliott has a patented cancer vaccine that he has been using in practice since 1993. The cancer vaccine is for people who have or have had epithelial cancers such as breast, prostate, colon, lung, stomach, ovarian, pancreas, melanoma, etc. The vaccine boosts a person’s own immune system to fight off cancer. The most common side effect is an allergic reaction at the site of the vaccine injection. If you are interested in learning more about the vaccine, please call our office (225) 755-3070.