You Can Help
Our Foundation has been conducting cancer research since 1977. In 2003, it was renamed The Sallie Astor Burdine Breast Foundation, but has always been and continues to be a Not-for-Profit organization solely dedicated to medical research.
As you read on our research page, we continue the search for answers, treatments, and cures on multiple fronts every day. To continue this work, we need your help and support.

There are a tremendous number of worthwhile charities and research foundations across our great country. And we applaud all efforts to find treatments and cures for diseases, but we do want to ask that you consider a one-time or recurring contribution to our research. In all likelihood you know several people who have suffered from breast cancer during the course of your life thus far. Maybe you know someone now who is going through various treatments, or maybe someone close to you lost their battle against this enemy. Regardless of why finding better diagnostic tools, treatments, or a possible cure for breast cancer, we ask you to be our partner in the fight, our champion from where you are, to pray for our work that it would bear fruit, and that you donate what you can to support the work.
We are excited for what the future holds in the way of research advancements here at the Sallie Astor Burdine Breast Foundation and to the broader coalition of support we are working to build in support of a future that doesn’t include breast cancer.
All of your tax-deductible donations will be applied directly to support the research we have undertaken and will undertake in the future as new discoveries are made.
We would like to personally thank you for taking the time to read about The Sallie Astor Burdine Breast Foundation and our joint work within The Mastology Center. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, solely invested in medical research. All contributions are fully tax-deductible. (Tax I.D. #59-7800251)