Home of World Class Breast Care, Treatment of Breast Cancer, and Groundbreaking Research
A Special Note
Over 40 years ago, Dr. Robert Elliott had a vision of what a dedicated clinic to women’s health should be. While the name of our clinic has changed, the primary mission remains the same. I was fortunate to work with both Dr.’s Robert and Mary Elliott for over 10 years. I am blessed to have witnessed Dr. Robert Elliott’s passion for a comprehensive clinic dedicated to women’s breast health.
A woman should be able to get the results of her mammogram and ultrasound at the time of her visit. This clinic provides that service for our patient’s peace of mind before leaving us. There should not be a 2-3-week delay in receiving test results of this kind.
The Elliott Breast Clinic focuses on early detection of breast cancer using multiple modalities including mammogram, thermogram, ultrasound and a thorough breast exam. We also offer a contrast enhanced diagnostic mammogram of which has been shown to be comparable to an MRI in women who have dense breast tissue and are at high risk of developing breast cancer. The results of each of these tests is given to the patient at the time of the visit.
There is no waiting on results of imaging tests here at our clinic. For those patients who need a biopsy, we assist you in every step of the process. We have a staff that is courteous and helpful with all processing of scheduling, testing and a kind word when needed. Patients are helped through their journey, and we ensure that everyone’s questions are answered and that our patients understand the treatment plan. We will continue Dr. Robert Elliott’s passion for breast cancer research through Dr. Jiang’s on-going research experience. He has assisted for over 25 years, Dr. Robert Elliott searching for a cure. If a patient is looking for a compassionate team that has a comprehensive approach for breast health, the Elliott Breast Clinic we hope, will be your choice of clinic.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine C. Baucom, MD., PhD/sb
Dr. Robert Elliott began his medical practice in 1973, and in 1988 when he established The Mastology Center, Inc., his dream was to create the finest place in the world for breast health care.
The Mastology Center privately funded the majority of its research for many years, but in light of the growing need for significant funding to support research and development into new treatments and diagnostic procedures, Dr. Elliott created The Breast Foundation to broaden research initiatives and funding sources to support the discovery of new more effective treatments that will slow cancer growth and possibly destroy cancer altogether.
The Drs. Elliott and Dr. Catherine Baucom all understand the challenges and changes in healthcare today. That is why we focus on the patient.
Our center offers a personalized and individualized approach to overall breast health and the early detection and treatment of breast cancer.
From The Desk Of Dr. Robert Elliott
I changed the name of our Breast Cancer Research Foundation in 2003. It was changed after the death of one of our inspiring patients. Sallie Astor Burdine. Sallie was the wife of Hank Burdine, a man from my hometown, whom I have known all of my life and who is about 10-12 years younger than myself. His father was a great friend of my maternal grandfather.
Sallie presented to our Center with Stage IV breast cancer and had failed therapy many times. She fought a tremendous battle; she showed courage, kept her faith, and worried more about her family and her husband than she did about herself.
She knew she was dying but she was hoping she could find a great wife for Hank and mother for her children.
She inspired me on her journey and after her death I discussed it with Hank, and we changed the name of the foundation to The Sallie Astor Burdine Breast Foundation. She and her family have contributed much to the success of this foundation. She was an inspiration to all.

The Breast Foundation began in 1977, and over the years contributed much to our treatments at The Mastology Center. Renamed in 2003, The Sallie Astor Burdine Breast Foundation is responsible for the management and development of all research efforts identified in The Mastology Center as possible contributors to advancement in breast health and cancer. The Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with the single mission of medical research.
One of the primary goals of The Mastology Center has been not only to treat breast cancer, but to discover new more effective treatments that will slow cancer growth and possibly destroy the cancer altogether. Through our own intensive research, we have made great advances. We have discovered that certain biological factors will tell us how fast a tumor is growing. We have also developed and patented a vaccine used in the treatment of breast cancer and one for the treatment of prostate cancer and other solid tumors.
As we move into 2020, we confirm great advances have been made, but there is much more to be done. Prior work has honed our path of research and brings growing hope for our patients. We invite you to read more about The Sallie Astor Burdine Breast Foundation on our site, and to consider becoming our partner in continuing research by making a tax-deductible donation; our Tax I.D. Number is 59-7800251.